
ew2 110-111

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  • What did Mr Goody do with the tree after chopping it down?
    He pulled it onto the beach.
  • What did Mr Goody do with the tree first?
    He chopped it down.
  • Who is happy?
    Mr Goody
  • Can the children see the balloon?
  • I _______ the tree onto the beach.
  • Who were all asleep this morning?
    the children
  • Where can they go now?
  • What did Mr Goody do with the basket first?
    He mended it.
  • I _____ and I ______.
    looked, listened
  • I ______ a tree down.
  • Where is the tree now?
    In the boat
  • There was a balloon. What is it now?
    the sail
  • Are the children happy to go back home?
    Yes, they are.
  • So first I ______ the basket.
  • What can the children see?
    A boat
  • Was the lion in the jungle?
  • Are the children asleep?
    No, they are waking up.
  • Why did the children not help Mr Goody in the morning?
    because they were asleep