
Everybody Up 2 - U4L3

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  • What does she answer?
    It's 829-3071.
  • What does Julie say?
    I can't find my mother.
  • What does Julie say?
    It's 555-0182.
  • What does he answer?
    It's 462-8153.
  • What does Julie say?
    Mom! Mom?
  • What's the Value of the story?
    Be safe.
  • What does she ask?
    What's your phone number?
  • What does Julie's mom say?
  • What's the name of the story?
    Where's Mom?
  • What does the police officer say?
    What's she wearing?
  • What does he ask?
    What's your phone number?
  • What does Julie say?
  • What does the woman say?
    What's wrong?
  • What does Julie say?
    She's wearing a pink T-shirt and black pants?
  • What does the police officer say?
    What's her phone number?