
Travelling Idioms

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  • [a feeling of confusion or distress when visiting a different place or culture]
    a culture shock
  • [a vacation, particularly a short one]
    a getaway
  • [totally unable to find your way]
    hopelessly lost
  • [to explore an area or place]
    to look around
  • [a place that attracts too many tourists]
    a tourist trap
  • [at a time of year when a tourist destination is less popular]
    out of season
  • [in a bad condition through lack of care or repair]
  • [to book something several days or weeks before you need it]
    to book in advance
  • [not changed, damaged, or built on by people]
  • [to go to the station or airport to say goodbye to someone]
    to see someone off/ to see off someone
  • [to go somewhere relaxing for a break]
    to get away from it all
  • [to pause a trip in one place before continuing]
    to stop off
  • [to feel excited about something that is going to happen]
    to look forward to something
  • [a long way from other people, buildings, and roads]
    off the beaten path
  • [to be sad because you miss your home and family]
    to feel home sick
  • [to find out how interesting something is]
    checking out
  • [a desire to travel or move]
    itchy feet
  • [a desire for exciting experiences]
    a thirst for adventures
  • something unique and unrepeatable that happens in you life