
PS3 GMF6 U4 L4 - Passive Voice in Movies (SPOIER ...

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  • Baby and Johny danced salsa.
    Salsa was danced by Baby and Johny.
  • Shrek rescued Fiona.
    Fiona was rescued by Shrek
  • Scar killed Mufasa.
    Mufasa was killed by Scar.
  • Scientists woke the dinosaurs.
    The dinosaurs were woken by the scientists
  • Elsa made Olaf.
    Olaf was made by Elsa
  • Frodo took the ring.
    The ring was taken by Frodo
  • Batman saved the city.
    The city was saved by Batman
  • Katniss won the hunger games.
    The Hunger Games were won by Katniss
  • Luke saved the galaxy.
    The galaxy was saved by Luke
  • The boy saw the alien.
    The alien was seen by the boy
  • Harry destroyed Voldemort.
    Voldemort was destroyed by Harry
  • The Avengers saved New York.
    The NY was saved by the Avengers.
  • Danny won the competition.
    The competition was won by Danny.
  • Rose threw the necklace into the sea.
    The necklace was thrown into the sea by Rose