
Greek Myths

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  • Who was mother and father of the Minotaur?
    Greek Queen Pasiphae and magical white bull.
  • Who was Perseus? What did ho do?
    He was the Greek hero who killed Medusa
  • In Perseus story, what did the king of Seriphos wanted from him?
    a wedding gift
  • Name 4 creatures from Greek mythology.
    Centaur, Cyclop, Medusa, Cerberus, Sphinx, Minotaur, Hydra, Sirens, Harphy...
  • Say in 3-4 sentences. What is the Troyan Horse story about?
  • Who lost the Troyan war and why?
    Troya, beacouse the Greek soldies crept out from the Troyan horse, opened the gate and then killed the people of Troya.
  • Name 3 Greek gods or goddeses.
    Athena, Hermes, Hades, Apollo, Aphrodite, Zeus, Hera, Poseidon...
  • Give 2 examples: What does the expression: "Troyan Horse" mean today?
    PC virus, tricky/poisonous girt, fight or problems (Spanish)
  • What are the names of the two "lovers" because of who the Troyan war started?
    Helena and Paris
  • What 3 things helped Perseus to kill Medusa?
    mirror shield, winged shoes and invisible helmet
  • What is a Cyclop?
    It is a one-eyed monster in Greek mythology.
  • Why was Helen in Troy?
    She run away with Paris (was kidnapped by him).
  • Who was Athena?
  • How does a Sphinx look like?
    It has got the head of a woman, the body of a lion, and the wings of a bird.
  • What is special about Medusa?
    If you look into her eyes, she turnes you into the stone
  • Name the god and goddes who helped Perseus with their gifts (mirror shield, invisible helmet, winged shoes)
    Athena and Hermes.
  • What did the Greek people think about the Troyan horse?
    Some of them were happy, the others were suspicious
  • Say in 3-4 sentences. What is Perseus story about?
    . . .
  • How does Medusa look like?
    She has got snakes for hair. In some imagery, she has got a forked tongue and bulging eyes.
  • Who killed the Minotaur?
    It was Theseus
  • What could Chimera do?
    Bite like a lion and breathe fire like a dragon.
  • Who was Hermes?
    a god
  • Chimera had got parts of three animas. Which ones?
    Lion head in the front, head of goat in the middle and tail of snake with snakes head
  • What was Perseus's wedding gift for the King?
    Medusa's head
  • Why was the Minotaur in the Maze?
    Because he ate people (later he ate children) and people were scared of him.
  • What is a Peagasus?
    It is a brave and powerfull winged horse.
  • How did Centaur look like?
    He was half man and half horse.
  • How did the Minotaur look like?
    He had a body of a man and head of a bull
  • Why did the army fought for 10 years with no succes in Troyan war?
    Because of the stone wall.