
CAE Sentence transformations 4

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  • You ought to take into account the fact that he is still very young. ALLOWANCES. You should.......for his young age.
    You should make allowances for his young age.
  • If you don´t have up to date computer skills these days you´ll find it difficult to get a good job. BEHIND. If you don´t have good computer skills these days, .. in the job market.
    you´ll be left behind in the job market.
  • You have to admit, that was a very impressive performance. DENYING: There..... that was a very impressive performance.
    There´s no denying that was a very impressive perormance.
  • We were considering moving abroad, but we decided not to at the last minute.OPTED. We we considering emigrating, but at the last minute.
    but we opted not to do so at the last minute.
  • I didn´t know anything about the situation as I ve been away recently. UNAWARE. Having .... of the situation.
    Having been away recently I was unaware of the situation.
  • You really should decide which degree you are going to take. TIME. It´s .... your mind which degree to take.
    It´s time you made up your mind which degree to take.
  • If you don´t pay on time, your booking will be cancelled. RESULT. Failure to ... your booking being cancelled.
    Failure to pay on time will result in your booking being cancelled.
  • No changes will be made to the project. AHEAD. The project........ to plan.
    The project will go ahead according to plan.
  • This ice cream is nearly as good as the strewberry one. CLOSE. This ice cream the strewberry one.
    This ice cream comes a close second to the strewberry one.
  • Nobody offered to give me a hand with the project.. DEVICES. I was ... to do the project.
    I was left to my own devises to do the project.
  • He no longer thinks he will find a job before the end of the year. HOPE.. He has .....a job before the end of the year.
    He has given up (any) hope of finding a job before the end of the year