
MYP1 unit 6

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  • Can you say some basic language related to graphic and charts?
    pie/bar/line chart
  • I can talk about general vocabulary related to various kinds os shopping experiences
    e-commerce, brick-and-mortar etc
  • What's the difference between say and tell?
    Tell we use to report what someone said. It has to have an object pronoun (is more specific) Say is general, it's not specific to someone/something
  • Describe a company and what it does:
  • Can you say detailed language related to form, condition,and material of an object? Describe this one:
    it's round, new and is made of leather
  • I can report what someone say using tell
    Thomas told me that Mary was tired this morning in the office.
  • I can report general opinion
    this brand is known by their eco-friendly engagement....etc
  • I can report waht someone said using say
    It's hot today. She said that it was hot today.