
Who are you?

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  • If a movie were made about you, what would it be about? (Comedy, action, drama, romance...)
    (own answers)
  • If you had to eat something for a week what would it be? A) Fruit B) Vegetables
    (own answers)
  • What is your favourite color and why?
    (own answers)
  • If you had to change your face with a famous person, who would it be?
    (own answers)
  • Who are the 5 people that you love most? (expect you)
    (own answers)
  • Three traits you love in yourself
    (own answers)
  • What is your dream job and why?
    (own answers)
  • Where do you want to be right now, with who and what do you want to do?
    (own answers)
  • What is your favourite day of the week and why?
    (own answers)
  • Who did you last argue with and why?
    (own answers)
  • What is your biggest goal and why?
    (own answers)
  • Which country would you like to visit and why?
    (own answers)
  • What are the two sentences that your mom generally uses for you? (one good sentence / one bad sentence)
    (own answers)
  • If you had to change your class, which class would it be? (6/A,6/B,6/C,6/D,6/E,6/F) Except your class.
    (own answers)
  • Would you rather be tall and fat or be short and slim?
    (own answers)
  • Who do you want to be loved by? A)By your family B)By your friends C)Other
    (own answers)
  • What 's your biggest fear ?
    (own answers)
  • If you had to stay at one age, what age would it be and why?
    (own answers)
  • If there wasn't Earth which planet would you like to live on?
    (own answers)
  • What is your favourite month of the year and why? (except the month you were born)
    (own answers)
  • Happiness or richness and why?
    (own answers)
  • What upsets you the most?
    (own answers)
  • What was the last favour you did to who and why?
    (own answers)
  • Who is your favourite singer? Or what is your favourite band?
    (own answers)