
Indirect questions

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  • What time are you coming?
    Could you tell me what time you are coming?
  • Where is the Mariachi from?
    Could you tell me where the Mariachi is from?
  • Have you visited your grandparents this week?
    Could you tell me if you have visited your grandparents this week?
  • Where's the car?
    Can you tell me where the car is?
  • Does Fernando have a motorcycle?
    Could you tell me if Fernando has a motorcycle?
  • How long does the movie last?
    Could you tell me how long the movie lasts?
  • How does the movie finish?
    Could you tell me how the movie finishes?
  • Is he going to school?
    Could you tell me if he is going to school?
  • How much are the enchiladas?
    Could you tell me how much the enchiladas are?
  • How do you get to the beach from here?
    Could you tell me how you get to the beach from here?
  • Who was the winner?
    Could you tell me who the winner was?
  • What does she need?
    Could you tell me what she needs?
  • Do I look like a princess?
    Could you tell me if I look like a princess?
  • Where did you go?
    Could you tell me where you went?
  • What are you doing??
    Could you tell me what you are doing?
  • What were you doing ?
    Could you tell me what you were doing?
  • Why are you so angry?
    Could you tell me why you are so angry?