
Small Talk

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  • Can you make a small talk question about the weather?
     Example: Have you done anything outside in the warm weather?
  • Can you start some small talk about influencers?
  • Can you start a conversation about reading?
  • Can you start some small talk  about English learning?
  • Can you start a conversation about pizza?
  • Can you make a question about work?
  • Can you make a small talk question about a movie or TV show?
    Example: What TV shows do you like?
  • Can you make a question about mobile phones?
  • Can you make a small talk question about a hobby?
    Example: Do you like to ride your bike after school?
  • Can you start a conversation about a favourite restaurant?
  • Can you make a small talk question about coffee?
    So, I really love cappucinos in the afternoon....
  • Can you make a small talk question about food?
    Example: My favorite lunch is food is chicken nuggets, what's yours?
  • Can you start some small talk  about holiday plans?
  • Can you talk about a local festivity that is popular?
  • Can you make a small talk question about a break or a trip?
    Example: Over break I went to Ohio, what did you do?
  • Can you start some small talk about weekend plans?
  • Can you make a question about the price of petrol?