
Reading Insight 2 (Unit 9)

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  • What is the synonym of the word " necessary " ?
    useful, important
  • vocabulary : a thing or ingredient
  • vocabulary : something which connects one thing to another
  • What are the most common uses for soap ?
    The most common uses for soap are washing hands and body.
  • What are the two forms of soap most commonly used ?
    Liquid and solid bar soap are the forms of soap most commonly used.
  • What is soap made up of ?
    It is made up of substances in both oil and water.
  • What is the main idea of the passage ?
    The wonders of soap is its ability to break down different substances.
  • Why do we need soap ?
    we need to get rid of grease and dirt.
  • What is the synonym of the phrase " get rid of " ?
    wash away
  • vocabulary : information which is hidden from others
  • How does soap work to break down different substances ?
    Soap works by sticking to and absorbing the different substances.
  • What are the both type of liquids ?
    They are oil and water.
  • What does soap break down ?
    Soap breaks down oil and water.
  • What are the synonym of the word " well- known " ?
    famous , popular
  • What is the antonym of the word " well-known" ? (2가지 )
    common , general