
Giving Advice- ESOL Level 4

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  • A new student has joined your class. He is sitting alone at break time. What should you do?
  • Valeria is a supervisor. One of her employees arrived to work late for the third time this week. What should she do?
  • You run into someone you haven't seen in a while. You notice they have put on some weight. Should say something about it?
  • Sofia's neice complains all the time. Do you know anyone like that? What should Sofia do?
  • Samantha disagrees with something her English teacher said about grammar. WHat should she do?
  • Katrina's 10 year-old son is hungry for a snack, but she is lying down on the couch because she doesn't feel well. What should she do?
  • Ingrid's sister always talks about herself. She never asks questions about anyone else. What should Ingrid do?
  • How do you join a conversation that is already in progress?
    Politely say, "Excuse me, I couldn't help but overhear..." or join in talking about the same subject when someone pauses.
  • Yulia has a job interview in two days. What does she need to do?
  • Alex is depressed because his wife left him. What would you say to him?
  • What would you do if you felt something was acceptable but everyone else felt it was annoying?
    Stop doing it, you are annoying people.
  • What are three things people love about you?
    You're fabulous!
  • Tariq is considering switching from the day shift to the overnight shift. What advice can you give him.
  • What can you say to yourself when something is difficult?
    Do your best! You got this!
  • You are in the library studying. You are humming because it helps you to concentrate. How do you think the other students in the library feel about this? what should you do?
    The other students might.... / I should...
  • Name three things a friend should NEVER do.
    Yes, agreed!
  • Shirley is at the mall with her 6-year-old daughter. She was looking at clothes and her daughter walked away. Now Shirley can't find her.
    She should...
  • You are at a restaurant with some friends. Your food comes first. You are really hungry, what should you do?
  • Your boss asks you to work with a coworker you don't really like. What should you do?
  • Today is the first day you are working with a small group on a project. You have great ideas. You share your ideas, but no one else contributes. What should you do?
  • Anton is working two jobs and he is having trouble affording his rent. What suggestions can you give him?