
Past Tense - Regular Verbs

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  • She ________ her mom if she could eat ice cream.
    She asked her mom if she could eat ice cream.
  • We __________ the whole house last week.
    We cleaned the whole house last week.
  • We all __________ at the funny joke.
    We all laughed at the funny joke.
  • We __________ at home all weekend long.
    We stayed at home all weekend long.
  • My brother _________ his hands before dinner.
    My brother washed his hands before dinner.
  • He _________ how to tie his shoes when he was five years old.
    He learned how to tie his shoes when he was five years old.
  • She ________ the paper with her name.
    She stamped the paper with her name.
  • He ___________ to his favorite song.
    He danced to his favorite song.
  • The family ___________ the house before Chinese New Year.
    The family painted the house before Chinese New Year.
  • It __________ all day long.
    It rained all day long.
  • We ___________ our grandparents on the weekend.
    We visited our grandparents on the weekend.