
business idioms

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  • This phrase means to do or say something that causes problems or upsets people.
    Rock the boat
  • This is equivalent to I have a lot of responsibilities or tasks to finish.
    I’ve got a lot on my plate 
  • you do them exactly according to company policy or the law.
    By the book
  • agree fully
    See eye to eye
  • This phrase applies when you have done or said something 100 % correctly
    Hit the nail on the head
  • Someone who is responsible and has to make the important decisions
    Calling the shots
  • Use this phrase to say there is no limit to what can be achieved.
    The sky’s the limit
  • You can use this phrase when you want to give a short summary of something using only a few words.
    In a nutshell 
  • you stop it from continuing
    Pull the plug
  • This is used to say you will make contact with someone or talk to someone
    Touch base
  • When you need to correct a mistake and say what is correct or the truth
    Set the record straight
  • This means to learn the basics of something
    Learn the ropes
  • Use this when you want to point out that you are between two equally difficult choices and it does not matter which choice you make.
    Caught between a rock and a hard place
  • This phrase means to take a low-level position at a company with the goal of eventually getting a better position within the same company.
    Get/have one’s foot in the door
  • When you stop working for the day, you call .......
     Call it a day
  • This means it’s time to start again from the beginning.
    Go back to the drawing board /  to square one
  • Use this phrase to say you want to start something, e. g. a project.
    Get the ball rolling
  • no obligation on the receiver’s side to return whatever you’ve given.
    No strings attached
  • This idiom is a useful skill too. When you understand something which isn’t clearly communicated or is often only suggested
    Read between the lines
  • If you have something difficult to do or a demanding assignment and you don’t want to give further details about it, you can use the phrase “I’ve my got my work............”.
    Have someone’s work cut out for them