
Time Zones 1 - Unit 11 - I went to Australia

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  • What is the past form of TAKE?
  • What is the past form of DO?
  • Answer the question: How was your day yesterday? (3 things)
    It was (good, bad, ok...).
  • IS THIS SENTENCE CORRECT? >>>>> I see a bird yesterday
    NO! The correct sentence is "I SAW A BIRD YESTERDAY"
  • What are the past forms of BE?
    WAS / WERE
  • Answer the question: What did you do yesterday? (3 things)
    I (past verbs) ...
  • What is the past form of VISIT?
  • What is the past form of SWIM?
  • IS THIS QUESTION CORRECT? >>>>>>> When did she was at home?
    No! The correct form is "WHEN WAS SHE AT HOME?" / "WHEN DID SHE GO HOME?"
  • IS THIS SENTENCE CORRECT? >>>>> She stayed in a hotel in her last vacation
    It's correct!
  • IS THIS QUESTION CORRECT? >>>>>>> What do you studied last week?
    No! The correct form is "WHAT DID YOU STUDY...?"
  • IS THIS QUESTION CORRECT? >>>>>>> Where did you travel to during your last vacation?
    It's correct!
  • What is the past form of GO?
  • Answer the question: What did you do in your last vacation? (3 things)
    I (past verbs) ...
  • What is the past form of SEE?
  • What is the past form of STAY?
  • IS THIS QUESTION CORRECT? >>>>>>> How was your last vacation?
    It's correct!