
Past simple

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  • Find the mistake: We not study for the exam.
    We didn't study for the exam.
  • Find the mistake: Do you go to school yesterday?
    Did you go to school yesterday?
  • What's the past of "buy"?
  • Find the mistake: You didn't ate your sandwich.
    You didn't eat your sandwich.
  • Order the sentence: play / I / chess. / didn't
    I didn't play chess.
  • Turn this sentence into a question: I went to Warner Bros Park with my cousin.
    Did I go to Warner Bros Park with my cousin?
  • Find the mistake: We did invite you to my birthday party.
    We invited you to my birthday party.
  • Find the mistake: I did played with my friends.
    I played with my friends.
  • What is the past of stop
  • Turn this sentence into a negative: I played with my friends.
    I didn't play with my friends.
  • What's the past of "go"?
  • Turn this sentence into a negative: I ate a burger yesterday.
    I didn't eat a burger yesterday.
  • What's the past of "have"?
  • Turn this sentence into a negative: I went to the park yesterday.
    I didn't go to the park yesterday.
  • Order the sentence: Did / yesterday? / play / she / at the park /
    Did she play at the park yesterday?
  • Turn this sentence into a question: I went to the park yesterday.
    Did I go to the park yesterday?
  • Find the mistake: Did your sister walked the dog?
    Did your sister walk the dog?
  • Find the mistake: I studyed in my house yesterday.
  • Order the sentence: had / I / pencils / two / on / table. / the
    I had two pencils on the table.