
Let's Destress

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  • What's your dream job?
    How about your nightmare job?
  • What's your favorite movie of all time?
    Has everyone seen it?
  • What's the last thing you would do if you won a million dollars?
    How about the first thing you would do?
  • What's the last book you read?
    Any good?
  • What game are you really good at?
    How often do you play it?
  • Guess a number between 1 and 10. If you get it right, your teacher will give you 5 points to the test.
    Did you get it!?
  • What tv show is your guilty pleasure?
    Thank you for sharing!
  • Where do you see yourself in 50 years?
    Are you looking forward to it?
  • If you could have any superpower what would it be?
    What's the worst superpower?
  • What's the worst thing you could put in a sandwich?
    Would anyone eat that?
  • What would a perfect Saturday be like for you?
    Have you had a day like this recently?
  • If you had a boat, what would you call it?
    How about Boaty McBoatface?