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  • Staring at an attractive person
    Unexpected! What could you do instead?
  • Take their photo
    Unexpected. Who can you take a photo of?
  • Walk past without smiling or saying hi
  • Asking for help
    If no one you know is around to help, ask a community helper instead. Looking for name tags and uniforms can help you.
  • Giving compliments
    Unexpected. Who else could you give a compliment to?
  • Making small talk
    This can be expected, but most strangers would like to be left alone. What are some small talk topics?
  • Moving closer and closer
    Unexpected. Always social distance with strangers if you can. How would they feel if you moved closer and closer to them?
  • Following someone
    Unexpected. How would they feel to be followed by you?
  • Asking a personal question
    Unexpected. What are some examples of personal questions?
  • A quick glance
    Expected. 1, 2, 3, look away!
  • Try to get their attention when they are walking past me
    Unexpected. They have somewhere to go. How might they feel when you do this?
  • High five
  • Sitting close when there is room to sit elsewhere
    Unexpected. Social distance and give as much room as you can. This might be hard in a crowd but usually you can do it.
  • Ignore them
  • Sitting close on a crowded bus
    Expected. Take what seats are available.
  • Thinking a stranger is cute or attractive
    Expected. You can think whatever you want. It depends on your behaviour after!