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  • A favorite toy you used to have but don't have now.
    Free answer.
  • A house where you used to live in the past.
    Free answer
  • Something you used to be afraid of but aren't now.
    Free answer
  • Sing a song in English!
    Well done!
  • A game you used to play a lot.
    Free answer
  • Ask a question related to PAST HABITS to the other group.
    DID you USE TO...?
  • Show five teddy bears on camera to get the points.
    Task complete!
  • A TV show you didn't use to watch in the past but now you do.
    Free answer
  • Something you used to do before the coronavirus appeared.
    Free answer
  • A friend you used to have at school, but don't talk anymore.
    Free answer
  • An instrument you used to play in the past but don't now.
    Free answer
  • A nice teacher you used to have in the past.
    Free answer
  • I didn't USE or USED to go to the mall with my family.
  • Something you didn't use to do on the weekend but you do now.
    Free answer
  • Something you didn't use to do before the coronavirus appeared.
    Free answer
  • A TV show you used to watch a lot in the past.
    Free answer
  • Something you used to collect.
    Free answer
  • A pet you used to have.
    Free answer
  • A kind of food or drink you didn't use to like but you do now.
    Free answer
  • A bad habit you used to have in the past.
    Free answer
  • A place where you used to spend your vacation with your family.
    Free answer
  • Make a negative sentence using the expression USED TO.
    Free answer
  • A singer or band you used to listen to.
    Free answer