
FC Grade - Voca Revision

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  • Unschooling can m_______  u____  f_____ the classes missed.
    make up for
  • I missed some lessons because I was ill and now I can't k_____  u____  w______ the work.
    keep up with
  • Dan's managed to improve his _______ in the recent Maths test.
  • I don't always g____  o_____ w_____ my mum. She's very different from me.
    get on with
  • My dad used to have a bookshop. He was s____- e______.
  • 'Unschooled' students have control _____ their own time.
  • My mum c____  u____  w____ a brilliant idea last week!
    came up with
  • Parents are responsible _______ creating a safe, learning space.
  • My pen is r______  o_______  o_____ ink.
    running out of
  • Eva's pleased with the topics on the history _______ this year.
  • This weekend I'm going to c_____   u_____  o____ my sleep.
    catch up on