
Animal Riddles-BC

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  • This animal is a kind of insect that can live everywhere around the world except for Antarctica. They can collect nectar and some can make honey. What am I?
  • This animal is a kind of insect that has 4 colourful wings made with scales. What am I?
  • This animal is in the reptile family and it is the biggest crocodile in the world. It can measure up to 5 metres and can weigh 450 kilograms. What Am I?
    saltwater crocodile
  • This animal is in the lizard family it is a kind of reptile. It can change colour depending on its surroundings. What am I?
  • This animal is a kind of insect that lives in tropical areas they like to eat soil, wood and dead leaves. What am I?
  • This animal is a kind of bear that lives in India, has long thick claws, and unusual teeth. What am I?
    Sloth Bear
  • This animal is a kind of reptile in the turtle family that can swim in the ocean but it only lays eggs on the land. What am I?
    Sea Turtle
  • This animal is a kind of bear that lives in the Arctic and it is very aggressive. It has a white coat. What am I?
    Polar Bear
  • This animal is a kind of bear that lives in North America. It's a very aggressive animal and it is an omnivore (eats meat and plants). What am I?
    Grizzly Bear
  • This animal is a kind of bear that lives in the woods. It is smaller and less aggressive than a grizzly bear. It's coat is black. What am I?
    Black Bears
  • This animal is in the snake family and it is a kind of reptile. It has a rattle on its tail to warn other animals. What am I?
  • This animal is a kind of insect that is a predator that eats other insects like flies and aphids. What am I?