
Gateway B1 revision

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  • LIST at least 5 feelings
    anger, boredom, excitement, fear, happiness, loneliness, sadness
  • 'I am the king of the world!,' Jack said. RS:
    Jack said that he was the king of the world.
  • DRAW: spy
  • Odd one out: How, Now, Low, Cow
  • adjective: c.........
  • Name the grain which grows only in water.
  • Odd one out: Facebook, Telegram, Instagram, YouTube
  • PhV: I often F..... T..... magazines when I am at the dentist
    flick through
  • name at least 4 ages and stages of life
    adolescence, baby, child, childhood, death, middle age, senior citizen, teenager
  • LIST nouns with -ness, -dom, -ship
    boredom, friendship, happiness, sadness, relationship, freedom
  • In which city were the first modern Olympics held?
  • LIST at least 6 jobs and work
    architect, director, designer, plumber, receptionist, builder, firefighter
  • DRAW: nurse
  • 'I've been vegetarian for 20 years,' she said. RS
    She said that she had been a vegetarian for 20 years.
  • 'I'll be back,' Terminator said. RS
    Terminator said that he would be
  • TT I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.
  • LIST  at least 2 fiction and 2 non-fiction books
    comic, fantasy, play, romance, atlas, biography, encyclopedia, magazine, manual,
  • LIST at least 3 natural disasters
    drought, flood, global warming, greenhouse effect, melt, nuclear disaster, oil spilt, ozone layer
  • PhV: You can use dictionaries to L... U. new words
    look up
  • Find the mistake "We didn't had to go to school on Saturdays."
    didn't HAVE
  • TT I thought I thought of thinking of thanking you.
  • LIST at least 5 adjectives describing TV programmes
    awful, boring, cool, exciting, funny, informative, moving, popular, scary
  • DRAW: remote control
  • DRAW: toe
  • List at least 5 criminals
    burglar, murderer, robber, shoplifter, thief, vandal, pirate, mugger
  • Odd one out: Grape, Carrot, Orange, Pumpkin
  • DRAW: suntan
  • DRAW: firefighter
  • find the mistake "I must study hard when I was a kid"
    I HAD TO study hard ....
  • 'We didn't set out to be superheroes,' Hiro said. RS
    He said that they hadn't set out to be superheroes.
  • TT I saw a kitten eating chicken in the kitchen.
  • What is the color of a giraffe’s tongue?
  • LIST at least 5 geographical features
    beach, forest, desert, ice cap, island, jungle, lake, mountain, ocean/sea, river, valley
  • name at least 5 personal qualities
    ambitious, calm, caring, clever, confident, creative, fit, hard-working, patient, reliable, sensitive
  • DRAW: shop assistant
  • Abu in the Disney movie, Aladdin, is which animal?
  • LIST at least 5 health problems
    ache, broken, cold, cough, earache, flu, headache, hurt, injured, pain, sore, temperature
  • What did ancient Romans use to dye their hair?
    Bird Poop
  • PhV: I C... A..... an interesting book last week
    came across
  • LIST adjectives with negative prefixes un-, in-, im-, il-, ir-
    illegal, impossible, incorrect, informal, invisible, irregular, unhappy, unusual
  • LIST at least 7 parts of body
    ankle, arm, back, cheek, chest, chin, ear, elbow, face, finger, forehead, heel. knee, mouth
  • LIST at least 5 memmbers of a family
    aunt, cousin, daughter, divorced, husband, nephew, niece, single, stepfather
  • PhV: Try to W... O.. this problem
    work out
  • LIST at least 3 expressions related to friendship
    circle of friends, classmates, close friends, to fall out, to get on well, to hang out with, to have an argument with, to have in common, to make up with sb, to
  • adjective: w....-o.........
  • TT Fresh fried fish, fish fresh fried, fried fish fresh, fish fried fresh.
  • DRAW: builder
  • LIST at least 4 types of television programmes
    advert, cartoon, chat show, cookery programme, documentary, game show, series, soap, live
  • odd one out: Listen, Speak, Kick, Smell