
Travel - review

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  • True or false? You should check in your carry-on bag.
  • Create a sentense using "board" or "boarding"
  • How do you spell this?
    - dash, / slash, . dot
  • What is the opposite of departure?
  • Create a sentence with 'travel insurance'
  • At the store: How do you ask for the price? How do you ask about the payment?
    How much is it? Can I pay by credit card/cash)
  • How can you order food in a restaurant?
    I would like..., Can I have..., I'll have...
  • Say 3 different ways of telling someone you don't understand.
    .Sorry, I didn’t catch that. Sorry, I couldn’t understand. Sorry, I don’t get it. Could you tell me a bit more about...? Was that 7:15?
  • _________. How do I get to the coffee shop?
    Excuse me
  • unscramble these words: ATSUCSEI, TRYUSECI, ANDH GAGEULG (Clue: aiport)
    suitcase, security, hand luggage
  • What can you say to someone you've just met? Say at least 3 sentences.
    How are you? What's your name? Nice to meet you. Where are you from? What do you do?
  • Name 5 items you should pack for your trip
    charger, passport, money, boarding pass, clothes, documents, medicine, camera,  sunscreen, coat, underwear, toothbrush
  • Unscramble these words: KCLBO CARSOS THIALFTCSGIRF ORNECR (Clue: directions)
    block, across, traffic lights and corner