
One Day - Chapter 3

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  • He says he hasn't been to a _____ in a long time.
    He says he hasn't been to a museum in a long time.
    He says he hasn't been to a restaurant in a long time.
    He says he hasn't been to a concert in a long time.
    He says he hasn't been to a nightclub in a long time.
  • Why did his doctor tell him?
    He told him that he should move to where it's warmer.
    He told him that he should start taking medication.
    He told him that he should get more exercise.
    He told him that he should change his diet..
  • What does he say he needs to be more careful with?
    He needs to be more careful with money.
  • How long has he been working at his company?
    He's been working at his company for about ten years.
    He's been working at his company for about three years.
    He's been working at his company for about five years.
    He's been working at his company for about fifteen years.
  • What did he say about the breakup with his ex?
    "It's kind of complicated."
    "It was totally messed up."
    "I'm so relieved it's over."
    "I'll never get over it."
  • True or false? He lives in a studio apartment.
    False. He lives in a one-bedroom apartment.
  • Why doesn't he ask for a raise at work?
    He says he knows they wouldn't give it to him.
    He says he knows his manager will get angry at him.
    He says he's too scared to ask for one.
    He says he plans to wait a few more months before he asks.
  • True or false? He competes in tennis tournaments.
    False. He competed in tournaments when he was a teenager.
  • I truly _____ we were the perfect _____.
    I truly believed we were the perfect match.
  • What does he say is weird about the things he orders on the internet?
    Sometimes he forgets that he has ordered it.
    His parents keep track of what he orders.
    He sometimes buys things for his ex.
    They are often delivered to someone else's apartment.
  • What do his parents keep bugging him to do?
    They keep bugging him to get married.
    They keep bugging him to come see them.
    They keep bugging him to change jobs.
    They keep bugging him to call them.
  • True or false? He lives on the fifth floor of his building.
  • What is his relationship like with his colleagues
    He likes to hang out with them after work.
    He gets along with them, for the most part.
    He doesn't get along with most of them.
    He's very close to several of them.
  • I should _____ more often to _____ on them.
    I should call more often to check on them.
  • Does he consider himself an introvert?
    Yes, and he realizes he comes across as one.
    Yes, but he doesn't think people see him as one.
    No, but he realizes he comes across as one.
    No, and he doesn't think people see him as one.
  • What do his colleagues occasionally organize?
    They organize a social activity after work.
  • How does he feel about the dating app that is friend recommended?
    He's depressed because no one responds to his posts.
    He can't stop using it.
    He thinks that so far it's been useless.
    He thinks that it may help him meet his soulmate.
  • His apartment doesn't _____ _____ _____.
    His apartment doesn't have enough furniture.
    His apartment doesn't feel very comfortable.
    His apartment doesn't get enough light.
    His apartment doesn't have a balcony.
  • Which room in his apartment does he say is really small?
    The living room is really small.
    The bedroom is really small.
    The bathroom is really small.
    The kitchen is really small.
  • True or false? He says the dating app has been useful.
    False. He says it has been useless.
  • His parents decided to move _____ _____.
    His parents decided to move in February.
    His parents decided to move near him.
    His parents decided to move down South.
    His parents decided to move to Mexico.
  • What does he say about social media?
    He can't help using it.
    He's not on it very much.
    He used to love it.
    He's not addicted to it.
  • Another way to say "ought to" is
  • What does he like to do in his free time?
    He likes to go out to bars.
    He likes to read and watch movies.
    He likes to try out new recipes.
    He likes to play volleyball.
  • Does he like to cook?
    No, but he does it anyway.
  • When did he say he and his ex broke up?
    They broke up a nine months ago.
    They broke up a few months ago.
    We don't know when they broke up.
    They broke up a few years ago.
  • "Lately, I've _____ buying a lot of _____ online."
    "Lately, I've been buying a lot of stuff online."
  • "I’d _____ for a raise at _____, but I _____ they wouldn’t _____ it to me."
    "I’d ask for a raise at work, but I know they wouldn’t give it to me."
  • Why hasn't he moved to another apartment?
    His parents don't want him to move.
    He doesn't want to have roommates.
    He can't afford to move.
    He hasn't gotten around to looking for one.
  • What did he think would happen with him and his ex?
    He thought they'd get engaged.
  • Is his apartment in a convenient location?
    Yes, it is.
    We don't know.
    No, it isn't.
  • What did his friend talk him into getting?
    His friend talked him into getting a different job.
    His friend talked him into getting a car.
    His friend talked him into getting a new phone.
    His friend talked him into getting a dating app.
  • The people on the dating app _____.
    have similar interests and want to connect with him
    are good-looking but don't respond to his posts
    are good-looking but boring or arrogant
    have similar interests and are attractive
  • My apartment _____ bad, all _____ considered.
    My apartment isn't bad, all things considered.
  • What does he say about ordering things online?
    He's been buying things for his ex.
    He's been buying things he doesn't really need.
    He's been buying things he really needs.
    He's been buying things for his parents.
  • Does he go out a lot?
    No, he doesn't.
  • Why did his parents move?
    His mother got a new job.
    They wanted to move further away from him.
    They wanted to be somewhere where the weather was warmer.
    They wanted to move closer to him.
  • How long has he lived in his apartment?
    He has lived in his apartment for about eight years.
    He has lived in his apartment for about three years.
    He has lived in his apartment for about five years.
    He has lived in his apartment for about ten years.
  • It’s _____ to stores and public transportation, so it’s _____ to do errands after _____.
    It’s close to stores and public transportation, so it’s easy to do errands after work.
  • True or false? He only drinks alcohol once in a while.
    True. He only drinks on special occasions.
  • Has he gone to visit his parents since they moved?
    No, he hasn't.