
Phrasal verb fun

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  • Turn down his invitation
  • Imagine she is your Mum and you have to tell her you have dropped out of university
  • Talk down to the teacher
  • Convince her to give up social media for one week
  • Deal with this naughty child and tell him off
  • You have 60 seconds to come up with an invention to make our lives easier
  • Imagine you have turned into an animal, what animal is it and how is your life different?
  • Help her get over her break up
  • He wants to give up learning English, convince him not to
  • Imagine you grew up on a tropical island, how would your life be different?
  • Say how you would do up the room you are in
  • Why has she called off the wedding?
  • Persuade him to move out of his Mom's house
  • Tell me a great 5 minute work out
  • Weigh up whether or not to have a takeaway tonight
  • Imagine you missed class, make up an excuses as to why you did
  • Look into who are the next summer and winter Olympics hosts
  • Convince him to give up bacon
  • Why have they fallen out?
  • You must take up a new sport, what will it be?