
Kids' Quiz #1

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  • If a carnivore eats meat, what does a frugivore eat?
    A frugivore is a fruit eater.
  • Who was created by Gepetto the woodcarver?
  • When did they arrive, today or a few days ago?
    It must have been a few days ago. Check out that spider-web between their tent and a tree.
  • What is the largest planet in the solar system?
  • What has the scientific formula H2O?
  • How did they get here?
    Judging by the oars next to the tree, it was by boat.
  • From what tree do pine cones come?
    Pine trees
  • Does the wind blow from the north or from the south?
    Look at the flag on top of the tent - shows the wind direction. Also, look at the trees - branches on the southern side are normally longer.
  • Who was on duty yesterday?
    It was Colin was on duty yesterday as he's looking for something in his backpack, which is marked with a "C". As we know, Alex is catching butterflies. James is
  • Where did Alex go?
    Alex is catching butterflies - you can see the scoop net behind the tent.
  • Crawl, backstroke and butterfly are different methods in which sport?
  • Which planet is known as “The Red Planet”?
  • How far away is the closest town?
    The lone chicken wandering around means the nearest town can't be far.
  • In the game Uno, what does 'Uno' mean?
  • What do you call a floating mass of ice?
  • Feline means relating to what sort of animal?
    Cat Family
  • What is the innermost colour of a rainbow?
  • What day is it today?
    Because Peter's on duty, it must be 8 August. And also there is a watermelon on the ground. For those who didn't know, watermelons ripen in August.
  • Which is the only vowel not on the top row of a computer keyboard?
  • The African and Asian are the two main forms of which mammal, with their ear size being an easy way to tell which is which?
  • Which desert covers much of northern Africa?
    The Sahara Desert
  • What percentage of our body weight is water? 40%, 60% or 80%
  • The company which produces the iPod?
  • In 'Finding Nemo', what is Nemo's dad called? Marvin, Marlin or Martin?
  • What is the name of the Australian throwing stick that can return to its thrower?
  • How many sides does a hexagon have?
  • Which fingernail grows the fastest?
    Your middle finger has the fastest growing fingernail.
  • How many tourists are staying at this camp?
    There are four tourists - the clue being the four sets of cutlery on the picnic blanket and the four names on the duty list.
  • From what country does Lego come?
  • What colour are dandelions?
  • Iron Man 3 is released this year. What is the name of the new villain? The Mandarin, The Marvellin or The Mandible?
    The Mandarin
  • Who had an encounter with the three bears?
  • From what tree do acorns come?
    Oak Trees
  • What are the young of frogs and toads called?
  • What time of day is it?
    The shadows show the sun is to the east, meaning its morning.
  • What is the name of Manchester United’s home ground?
    Old Trafford