
Who is that President ?

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  • Who is this ?
    Zachary Taylor 1849-1850 12th President Vice-President was Millard Fillmore
  • Who is this ?
    Martin Van Buren 1837-1841 8th President Vice-President was Richard M.Johnson
  • Who is this ?
    Benjamin Harrison 1889-1893 23rd President Vice-President was Levi P. Morton
  • Who is this ?
    James Buchanan 1857-1861 15th President Vice-President was John C. Breckinridge
  • Who is this ?
    Abraham Lincoln 1861-1865 16th President Vice-Presidents were Hannibal Hamlin1861-65 Andrew Johnson 1865
  • Who is this ?
    Rutherford Birchard Hayes 1877-1881 19th President Vice-President was William A. Wheeler
  • Who is this ?
    James Monroe 1817-1825 5th President Vice President was Donald D. Tompkins
  • Who is this ?
    Andrew Johnson 1865-1869 17th President Vice-President none
  • Who is this ?
    Andrew Jackson 1829-1837 7th President Vice-Presidents were John C. Calhoun
  • Who is this ?
    Chester Alan Arthur 1881-1885 21st President Vice-President none
  • Who is this ?
    James Abram Garfield 20th President 1881 Vice-President was Chester A. Arthur
  • Who is this ?
    John Quincy Adams 1825 - 1829 6th President Vice President was John Calhoun
  • Who is this ?
    Thomas Jefferson 1801 - 1809 3rd President Vice President was Aaron Burr 1801-05 &George Clinton 1805-09
  • Who is this ?
    George Washington 1789 - 1797 1st President Vice-President was John Adams
  • Who is this ?
    Grover Cleveland 18931897 24th President Vice-President was Adlai E Stevenson
  • Who is this ?
    James Madison 1809-1817 4th President Vice-Presidents were George Clinton 1809-1813 & Elbridge Gerry 1813-17
  • Who is this ?
    James Knox Polk 1845-1849 11th President Vice-President was George M.Polk
  • Who is this ?
    John Addams 1797 - 1801 2nd President Vice-President was Thomas Jefferson
  • Who is this ?
    Milliard Fillmore 1850-1853 13th President no Vice-President
  • Who is this ?
    Grover Cleveland 1885-1889 22nd President Vice-President was Thomas A Hendricks
  • Who is this ?
    William Henry Harrison1841 9th President First President to Die in Office Vice President was John Tyler
  • Who is this ?
    Ulysses Simpson Grant 1869-1877 18th President Vice-Presidents were Schuyler Colfax 69-73 Henry Wilson 73-77
  • Who is this ?
    Franklin Pierce 1853-1857 14th President Vice-President was William R. King(d. 1853)
  • Who is this ?
    John Tyler 1841-1845 10th President no Vice President