
G1 myWorld Ch6 L5: Immigrants Review

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  • What does the word economy mean?
    The country's money, or wealth
  • A person who moves from one country to another is called what?
    an immigrant
  • A Filipino family opens a Filipino restaurant in your community. What are they doing to the economy?
    contributing to it
  • How did immigrants help our economy grow?
    They earned and spent money.
  • Where did many early immigrants enter the United States? 
    Ellis Island
  • Why might immigrants move to a new country?
    For a better life, to find a good job, and a good life for their family.
  • How would the United States or Taiwan be different if no one immigrated here?
    There may not be diverse cultures. We would not have a variety of foods and other customs to enjoy. Everyone would be very much the same.
  • Why do you think earning and spending money helps and economy grow?
    When people spend money, other people earn money and more people have jobs.
  • What does the word contribute mean?
    add to or help
  • How did early immigrants help grow America’s economy?
    They worked hard, earned money, and bought things.
  • Is this picture from today or the past?
    The past
  • Many immigrants came to Angel Island. Which continent did many people come from? 
  • What does the word immigrant mean?
    A person who goes to a new country to live.
  • Where do immigrants live in the United States?
    They live across all of the states.
  • How can you tell this photo is from the past?
    The way people are dressed. Not in color.
  • How do immigrants contribute to the economy?
    They earn and spend money.
  • What happened at Ellis and Angel Island?
    Immigrants entered the United States and were tested.