
Future Group - Lion

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  • If you can be a superhero, what kind of power would you like to have?
    Super strength? Speed? Happiness? Super brain?
  • Is the position for chanting on the picture correct?
    Yes, hands not covering your mouth holding the beads with straight posture.
  • How much do you think should we chant for?
    20 hours
    30 minutes
    Chant as much as you like, without feeling burden or guilty
    5 minutes
  • Is the position for chanting on the picture correct?
    No, you should not be distracted by anything or eating while chanting.
  • Is the position for chanting on the picture correct?
    No. As excited as you are, you need to sit down when chanting.
  • Why do you think chanting work?
    You may not understand the words, but it unleashes our Buddha nature which is our superpower that can unleash all good qualities within us!
  • What quality do you think a superhero must have?
    All of them!
  • What is the meaning of Nam Myo Ho Renge Kyo?
    a wonderful sound of happiness
    a mantra
    a change in mindset from negative to positive
    a determination to embrace and manifest our Buddha nature
  • Is the position for chanting on the picture correct?
    No, you should not cross your legs when sitting down. Legs slightly apart on the floor.
  • What are you chanting for?
    Friends? School? Grades? Exams?
  • Do you have any prayers for your family members / friends?
    All of the above... and some more!