
The BFG - Part 1

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  • What does do the letters BFG stand for?
    Big Friendly Giant
  • What kind of shoes did the BFG wear?
    ridiculous sandals with holes (p. 24)
  • According to the BFG what do the Human beans from Jersey taste like?
    cardigans (p. 28)
  • In what did the BFG carry Sophie when he took her out of the dormitory?
    blanket (p. 17)
  • According to the BFG what do the Danes from Denmark taste like?
    dogs (p. 28)
  • Why does Sophie say, "It's fizzing the wrong way"?
    It fizzes downwards. (p. 65)
  • What time of night does Sophie first see the BFG?
    The Witching Hour
  • How many orphans live in Sophie's orphanage?
    Ten (p. 38)
  • VOCABULARY: Do you remember the word that means "large, shared bedroom" that begins with a D?
  • VOCABULARY: Do you remember the word that means "dying to do something" that begins with a D?
  • VOCABULARY: Do you remember the word that means "a child who has no parents" that begins with an O?
  • VOCABULARY: Do you remember the word that means "echo" that begins with an R?
  • VOCABULARY: Do you remember the word that means "very" that begins with an E?
  • TRUE or FALSE: Sophie likes living in the orphanage.
    FALSE: She hates it! (p. 38)
  • Sophie and the BFG heard a tremendous thumping noise from outside. Who was it?
    Bloodbottler (p. 55)
  • VOCABULARY: Do you remember the word that means "a cave or underground chamber" that begins with a C?
  • VOCABULARY: Do you remember the word that means "to shake because you are scared" that begins with a T?
  • What did the giants do with the BFG?
    They played ball, and dumped him on the ground when they got bored in the end. (p.79)
  • VOCABULARY: Do you remember the word that means "serious" that also begins with an S?
  • Where was Sophie hiding from the Bloodbottler?
    Inside the snozzcumber (p. 62)
  • What do the giants call farts?
  • VOCABULARY: Do you remember the word that means "easily broken, not strong" that begins with a D?
  • What is the name of the icky-poo vegetable that grows in Giant Country?
    Snozzcumbers (p. 48)
  • VOCABULARY: Do you remember the word that means "victorious, to be happy because you have won" that begins with a T?
  • What were on the shelves of the enormous cavern where the BFG lived?
    glass jars (p. 24)
  • VOCABULARY: Do you remember the word that means "enormous, massive, gigantic" that begins with a C?
  • What was the BFG doing in Sophie's village at night?
    He was blowing dreams. (p. 41)
  • What do giants drink?
  • Do giants in Giant Country have mothers?
    NO! (p. 50)
  • What does the BFG call a human being?
    human beans
  • What two items did the BFG carry?
  • How many Japanese Human beans do Giants need to eat to feel full?
    Six (p. 36)
  • TRUE or FALSE: The Bloodbottler likes the taste of snozzcumbers.
    FALSE: He roared, "Eeeeewtch! Ughbwelch! Ieeech!" and spat it out. He hated it! (p. 60)
  • How many times as tall as the tallest human was the BFG?
    four (p. 12)
  • VOCABULARY: Do you remember the word that means "gentle and loving" that begins with a T?
  • VOCABULARY: Do you remember the word that means "scenery" that begins with an L?
  • What did the frobscottle taste like?
    Vanilla and cream witha hint of raspberries (p. 68)
  • VOCABULARY: Do you remember the word that means "having good manners" that begins with a P?
  • VOCABULARY: Do you remember the word that means "awful, disgusting and scary" that begins with a G?
  • How many Giants are there out there?
    Nine (p. 36)