
Summer Safety and Fun

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  • What's a healthy snack you could pack for a summer activity?
    Fruit, granola bars, trail mix, carrot sticks, hummus, etc.
  • What months are the summer months?
    June, July, August
  • When you ride your bike this Summer, what should you wear to protect your head?
    A Helmet!
  • How can we stay hydrated during the hot summer months?
    Drink lots of water!!
  • How much water is recommended to drink each day?
    Eight, 8 ounce glasses of water per day
  • What should you take with you to the beach or pool this summer?
    Hat, sunglasses, towel, chair, water, snacks, sunscreen, swimsuit.
  • What is one way to keep yourself safe from bugs this Summer?
    Use bug spray.
  • What day is the first day of Summer?
    June 21st, the longest day of the year.
  • What is the number one selling popsicle flavor in the US?
    Cherry Flavor
  • What are signs that you might have a heat related illness?
    Cramps, headaches, nausea, vomiting, dizziness.
  • The sun is closer and brighter in the Summer. What are 3 ways you can protect yourself from the sun?
    Cover up, wear sunglasses, use sunscreen, wear a hat, use an umbrella, stay in the shade....etc.
  • If you are outside and you get super hot and start to not feel good, what should you do?
    Go inside, find some shade, drink some water, tell an adult you trust.
  • Which summertime "vegetable" is actually a fruit?
  • What's your favorite amusement park?
    Disney, Worlds of Fun, Oceans of Fun, Six flags, Silver Dollar City
  • What month will school start back up again?