
Being helpful

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  • What helpful action is this?
    Plant a tree
  • What helpful action is this?
    Put away the toys
  • What helpful action is this?
    Cross the street
  • What helpful action is this?
    Clean up
  • What helpful action is this?
    Do the homework
  • What helpful action is this?
    Take care of pets
  • What helpful action is this?
    Donate blood
  • What helpful action is this?
    Hold the door to someone.
  • What helpful action is this?
    Share food with people
  • What helpful action is this?
    Stand up after a fall
  • What helpful action is this?
    Carry out heavy things
  • What helpful action is this?
    Give a stranger a compliment
  • What helpful action is this?
    Help people to make friends
  • What helpful action is this?
    Help the parents to cook
  • What helpful action is this?
    Organize the classroom
  • What helpful action is this?