
Just for Fun

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  • Rabbits eat their own poop.
  • A tiger has stripes on its skin.
  • U.S. dollar bills are made from cotton.
    True (75% cotton and 25% linen)
  • Elephants walk as quietly as cats.
    True (they walk almost silently due to their padded feet)
  • Lightning never strikes the same place twice.
    False (lightning can strike anywhere multiple times)
  • A baby has more bones than an adult.
    True (babies = 300, adults = 206)
  • A shrimp's heart is in its head.
  • Peanuts are a nut.
    False (they are closer to beans)
  • Polar bears have black skin.
  • In your lifetime, you'll produce enough saliva to fill three swimming pools.
    False (you'll only produce enough to fill two)
  • The right lung in a human is slightly smaller than the left lung.
    False (the left lung is smaller to make room for the heart)
  • A sneeze is faster than an eye blink.
  • Ostriches have the largest eyes of any living organism.
    False (the giant squid does)
  • Just like the U.S. has the Whitehouse, Argentina has a Greenhouse for their president.
    False (they have a Pinkhouse)
  • Gorillas all have blood type "B."
  • The Twitter bird's name is Larry.
  • It's possible to hear a lion's roar from 5 miles away.
  • Giraffes say "moo."
    True (babies tend to "moo" to their mothers if they become separated)
  • Olympic gold medals are made of silver.
  • Thomas Edison (the inventor of the light bulb) was afraid of the dark.