
Passive Voice - Two objects

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  • Mark wrote a poem to his mum.
    D: A poem was written by Mark to his mum. // I: Mark's mum was written a poem.
  • Her dad will buy her a new mobile phone for her birthday.
    D: A new phone will be bought for her birthday by her dad. // I: She will be bought a new phone for her birthday by her dad.
  • My mother told me that joke.
    D: That joke was told to me by my mother. // I: I was told that joke by my mother.
  • Susan offered us some cakes.
    D: Some cakes were offered to us by Susan. // I: We were offered some cakes by Susan.
  • He promised me a pepperoni pizza.
    D: A pepperoni pizza was promised to me. // I: I was promised a pepperoni pizza.
  • I could pay my mortgage because my parents lent me some money.
    D: I could pay my mortgage because some moeny was lent to my by my parents. // I: I could pay my mortgage because I was lent some money by my parents.
  • Lots of fans sent the footballer birthday cards.
    D: Birthday cards were sent to the footballer (by lots of fans) // I: The footballer was sent birthday cards by lots of fans.
  • My mother made me a chocolate cake for my birthday.
    D: A chocolate cake was made for my birthday (by my mother) // I: I was made a chocolate cake for my birthday (by my mother)
  • The waiter didn't offer us any water.
    D: No water was offered to us by the waiter. // I: we weren't offered any water by the waiter.
  • A witness gave useful information to the police.
    D: Useful information was given to the police (by a witness) // I: The police was given useful information (by a witness)
  • The teacher has already told us our grades.
    D: Our grades have already been told to us (by our teacher) // I: We have already been told our grades (by our teacher)
  • I will pass this information to them.
    D: This information will be passed to them. // I: They will be passed this information.
  • A friend gave my sister this book.
    D: This book was given to my sister (by a friend). // I: My sister was given a book (by a friend).