
Giving advice

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  • Your friend is always late for school
    He/She should get up early
  • You are going to your best friend’s birthday party. What should you do?
    You should take/buy a present.
  • It is your first day at your new school.
    You should make new friends. You should behave. etc.
  • Your mother has a terrible headache and she can't make the dinner.
    You should prepare it. You should take care of your siblings. You should tell her togo to bed.
  • You are thinking about adopting a dog.
    Think about food, water and walking your dog
  • Your friend's pen doesn't work
    You should lend him/her a pen. He/she should buy an new one
  • Your best friend has told you a secret.
    You shouldn't tell anyone.
  • Your folder doesn't have any new sheets of paper to write on.
    You should buy more
  • Your classroom is so messy!
    You should clean up. You should sweep. You should put your things away.
  • YOur classmates are coming over to your house.
    You should have some food and drinks to offer them
  • You are writing an important exam.
    You shouldn't cheat/speak/walk aroud the class. You should focus
  • Your best friend has a cold
    He/she should go to the doct/hospital /take medicine
  • A new students has arrived at your school and he/she is alone.
    You should go and talk to him/her
  • You and your classmates have an English exam this week
    We should study.
  • Your classmate is always sleepy at school
    He/She should sleep more/ go to bed earlier