
Kashrus terms

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  • Batul
    Batul - to nullify. Batul refers to a situation when a small amount of prohibited food is accidentally mixed into a larger amount of a different food....
  • Kosher
    Kosher is the Hebrew word meaning fit or proper, designating foods whose ingredients and manufacturing procedures comply with Jewish dietary laws.
  • Glatt
    Glatt is the Yiddish word meaning smooth, and refers to beef from kosher slaughtered animals whose lungs are free of adhesions. Kosher consumers who a...
  • Shechita
    The Torah prescribed manner of slaughtering an animal or fowl for consumption.
  • Kli rishon/Keli Sheni
    Kli rishon, literally the first utensil, refers to a utensil that is used for cooking, baking or roasting food or liquid, and contains that hot food o...
  • Pas Yisroel
    Refers to baked goods prepared in ovens which are turned on by a Shomer Shabbos Yid.
  • Mehadrin
    Refers to the most stringent level of kosher supervision.
  • Cholov Yisroel
    Cholov Yisroel refers to all dairy productions, including cheese and non-fat dry milk powder, which have been under constant Rabbinical supervision.
  • Yoshon
    literally, old, refers to the grain that has taken root before Pesach, even if it is harvested after Pesach. It is called "old grain." It is permitted...
  • Kashrus
    Used to describe the general topic and field of kosher laws and observance.
  • Fleishig
    Fleishig meat, denotes meat and poultry products, as well as dishes and utensils used in their preparation.
  • Shmitta
    Refers to the agricultural cycle observed in Israel, in which every seventh year the land lies fallow.
  • Halacha
    Halacha, literally, the path that one walks. It refers to Jewish Law, the complete body of rules and practices that Jews are bound to follow, includin...
  • Orla
    Refers to the Torah commandment to wait for three years before partaking of any fruit from fruit bearing trees. The forbidden fruit of this period is...
  • Hechsher
    Hechsher refers to the certification of a kosher product or ingredient, given by a Rabbi or a kosher supervisory agency.
  • Mevushal
    Refers to wine which has been cooked.
  • Mikvah
    Literally, gathering, refers to a structure, a ritualarium, in which water is gathered for purposes of immersion.
  • Tevilas Keilim
    Meaning dipping of utensils, refers to the immersion of vessels, utensils, or dishes in a ritualarium (mikvah) before their first use.
  • Milchig
    Dairy, refers to dairy products as well as dishes, utensils, and equipment used in their preparation
  • Pareve
    Neutral, indicates a product which contains no derivatives of poultry, meat, or dairy ingredients and can therefore be eaten with either a meat, poult...
  • Tovel
    To dip or immerse in a ritualarium (mikvah).
  • Hashgacha
    Hashgacha, literally, supervision, generally refers to kosher supervision.
  • Shochet
    One who is specially trained to slaughter kosher meat and poultry according to Halacha/Jewish Law.
  • Keilim
    Vessels or utensils.
  • Kashering
    The process of changing the status of equipment which had been used with non kosher ingredients or products, to use with kosher ingredients or product...
  • Chometz
    Chometz, colloquially called "real chometz," refers to products containing fermented grains. These products are biblically prohibited on Passover.
  • Chodosh
    Chodosh, literally, new, refers to the grain (wheat, barley, oats, rye, and spelt) that has not taken root before Passover. It is called "new grain."...
  • Kitniyos
    Legumes, are those grains that can be cooked and baked in a fashion similar to chometz grain and yet are not considered, in the eyes of halacha, to be...
  • Treifah
    Refers to food that is not kosher. The term is generally used to refer to all foods, vessels, and utensils that are not kosher. Literally, it means an...
  • Kasher
    Kasher ; to make kosher, usually applied to the salting and soaking procedures used in the production of kosher meat and poultry. The term is also use...
  • Mashgiach
    One who is trained to supervise kosher food production.
  • Bishul Yisroel
    Bishul Yisroel refers to the preparation of certain foods for which it is necessary for the Mashgiach to light the fire.