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  • the habit of treating one group differently than another when both groups should be treated the same
    double standards
  • a disagreement, often official
  • a situation in which everyone has the same chance of succeeding
    a level-playing field
  • the act of raising someone to a higher or more important position or rank
  • advantages a company offers in addition to the salary
    benefits / perks
  • time that a parent is allowed to spend away from work to take care of his or her baby
    parental leave
  • the difference between the average pay of two different groups of people, for example men and women
    pay gap / salary gap
  • A specialist company which finds and interviews candidates to fill job vacancies in other companies
    recruitment agency
  • a period of time that a father is legally allowed to be away from his job so that he can spend time with his new baby
    paternity leave
  • to be able to think and react to things very quickly without any preparation
    think on your feet
  • put tasks, problems etc in order of importance and do the most important first
  • likely to change suddenly
  • something in a situation where it might be lost
    at stake
  • unable to read and write
  • a difference between the way men and women are treated in society, or between what men and women do and achieve
    gender gap
  • people who are looking for a job
    job seekers
  • the desire among a group to work together and help each other
    team spirit
  • nervous and confused especially because you have been given a lot to do or are in a hurry
    flustered/overwhelmed/snowed under
  • a person who owns shares in a business or company
  • producing a large amount of money
  • money paid to an employee to help them find a place to live because they had to move to another city/country for work
    relocation allowance
  • to totally approve, support or agree with an idea
    I'm all for... (to be all for...)
  • give some of your work to someone, especially someone in a lower position
  • a country with little industrial and economic activity and where people generally have low incomes
    developing country
  • the ability to take decisions and act alone
  • a situation in which agreement in an argument cannot be reached because neither side will change its demands or accept any of the demands of the other side
  • to delay doing something until later, especially because you don't feel like doing it
  • the period when a woman can legally be absent from work in the weeks before and after she has a baby
    maternity leave
  • become larger in quantity
    pile up / accumulate