
Shopping comparisons

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  • Make a comparison
    ex: the brown trainers are older than the blue trainers
  • Make a comparison
  • Make a comparison
    ex: the blue t-shirt is bigger than the colourful t-shirt
  • What time do shops open and close in your city?
    Student's answer
  • Name 3 supermarkets
    Student's answer
  • Make a comparison
    Student's answer
  • When was the last time you went shopping? Talk about it
    Student's answer
  • Make a comparison
    ex: Sarmiento shopping has got more shops than Centenario shopping
  • Make a comparison
  • Make a comparison
  • Make a comparison
    Ex: Gucci is more expensive than Milano shoes
  • Make a comparison
    ex: Mostaza's hamburguers are bigger than Mc donald's hamburguers
  • Make a comparison
    ex: Pepsi is cheaper than coca cola
  • For you, what is the best place to eat?
    Student's answer
  • Make a comparison
    Student's answer
  • What was the last thing you bought?
    Student's answer
  • Name 3 restaurants
    Student's answer
  • Make a comparison
  • Make a comparison
    Student's answer
  • Make a comparison
  • Make a comparison