
science 2 partial

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  • The cold Humboldt current that comes from the south converges with the warm current that comes from Panama.
    Ocean currents
  • Stable weather. There are no marked seasons of very cold winters or very hot summers
    Equator line
  • Andes mountain range
    They gave rise to the three continental regions of Ecuador: Coastal, Andean and Amazon
  • How many differentiated zones are there in this region?
    There are two clearly differentiated zones: to the north a warm humid zone and to the south a dry one
  • List 5 examples of fauna from the coast region
    coatis, anteaters, harpy eagles, black howler monkeys, coastal tapirs, Pacific crocodiles, Sechura foxes, frigatebirds, snapping turtles, devil frogs, huirac
  • The Galápagos Islands are in the Atlantic ocean
  • List 5 examples of flora from the coast region
    ceibo, guayacán, laurel, mahogany, cedar, royal palm trees, cocoa, coffee, African palm, sugar cane, rice, cotton and bananas
  • The coast region is
    west of the Andes mountains range
  • Give 5 examples of flora from the Galápagos islands
    Cacti, Palo Santo, Guava tree, Scalesia, Mangroves
  • Mention the factors that contribute to the diversity in Ecuador
    Equator line, Andes mountain range, Ocean currents
  • Give 5 examples of fauna from the Galápagos Islands
    Giant tortoise, Marine iguana, flightless cormorant, lava lizard, Darwin's Galápagos finch, Galápagos penguin, sea wolf