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  • Can you say a tongue twister in English?
  • Can you name 10 actresses in 40 seconds?
  • Can you say "I love you" in 4 languages?
  • Can you draw a square and a circle at the same time?
  • Can you name 4 countries in Africa?
  • Can you read this number 6.754.829 ?
    six million, seven hundred and fifty-four thousand, eight hundred and twenty-nine
  • Can you hum "We are the champions"?
  • Can you spell KNOWLEDGEABLE without hesitating or making errors?
  • Can you name 10 capital cities?
  • Can you say "goodbye" in 5 languages?
  • Can you name 5 dishes from different countries in 30 seconds?
  • Can you name 15 body parts in 30 seconds?
  • Can you write your name with your left hand / right hand?
  • Can you add 143 to 89 to 62 without writing?
  • Can you say the 7 colours of the rainbow?
    Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.
  • Can you name 15 animals in 40 seconds?
  • Can you write the sentence "Mary had a little lamb" with your eyes closed?
  • Can you name 4 countries in South America?
  • Can you finish this line from The Beatles HELP! ...?
    I need somebody
  • Can you whistle the Happy Birthday song?
  • Can you say hello in 4 different languages?
  • Can you say 15 words in English that start with the letter "r" in 40 seconds?
  • Can you draw a bicycle?
  • Can you say the alphabet backwards?