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  • What is this type of book called?
    A textbook
  • How long is the average paperback book? a. 100-200 pages b. 300-400 pages c. 600-700 pages d. 900-1,200 pages
    b. 300-400 pages
  • How many books to Vietnamese people read each year? a. 1 book b. 3 books c. 4 books d. 8 books
    c. 4 books
  • What was the name of this play written by William Shakespeare?
    Romeo and Juliet
  • Which country reads the most books? a. India b. China c. the US d. the UK
    a. India (10 hours and 42 minutes per week)
  • These are characters from the movie version of which famous book?
    Harry Potter
  • What is the name of the author of the Harry Potter books?
    J.K. Rowling
  • Who is the best selling author of all time? a. J.K. Rowling b. C.S. Lewis c. William Shakespeare d. J.R. Tolkien
    c. William Shakespeare (2-4 billion in sales)
  • What is a book about a person, written by that person? a. biography b. autobiography c. novel d. paperback
    b. autobiography
  • What was the name of the girl who had adventures in Wonderland? a. Dorothy b. Alice c. Chloe d. Matilda
    b. Alice
  • What type of book do you use in the classroom?
  • What was this book by author Mary Shelley?
  • How many pages is the longest book published (as of 2020)? a. 3,233 pages b. 10,676 pages c. 22,400 pages d. 57,863 pages
    c. 22,400 pages (Venmurasu- Indian book series continuing to be written)
  • The oldest known book was found in Europe and is over 2,500 years old. All the pages are missing. What is the cover made out of? a. Copper b. Aluminum c. Wood d. Gold
    d. Gold
  • What famous book/movie is this? a. Star wars b. Lord of the Rings c. Blade Runner d. Hunger Games
    d. Hunger Games