
R Jokes

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  • I am a type of insect, but one that is beautiful. I look just like a large moth but one that is beautiful. What am I?
    A Butterfly
  • What are two words that rhyme with the word "park?"
    ex: start, sharp, bark, dart, harp
  • What are two words that rhyme with the word "warm"?
    ex: storm, form, corn, transform, dorm
  • What is a predator animal that lives in the ocean and most people are scared of?
  • What happened when the frog left his car in a "No Parking Zone'?
    It got toad
  • Fill in the sentence: She reached all the way to the bottom of the cookie ___ with her ____, so her elbow touched the rim.
    Jar, Arm
  • Why can't a bike stand up by itself?
    Because it is two-tired
  • Why do dogs run in circles?
    It is too hard to run in squares
  • Fill in the sentence: I think I saw the North ___ in the sky from very ____ away.
    Star, Far
  • Fill in the sentence: When I sleep I ____ so loud that I can't hear my ____ in the morning to wake up
    Snore, Alarm
  • Fill in the sentence: The ____ was 0-1, so the younger kids won the____ game
    score, soccer
  • What is the smooth oval nut called that comes from an oak tree and that squirrels love to eat?
  • It's not in your tummy, but it's somewhere above. It is often thought of as a symbol of love
  • What is something you use at the grocery store that has four wheels
  • Why did the french fry lose the race?
    It couldn't ketchup
  • What is something that is usually silver, has three gaps in it, and you can find in your kitchen
  • Fill in the sentence: There was a ___ on the flower and it cut my pinky ____
    Thorn, finger
  • I can be electric, but I'm not a car. I can get carried in a case, but I'm not a cellphone. I have a neck, but I don't wear a scarf. I have strings, but I'm not a tennis racket. What am I???
  • What are two words that rhyme with the word "car"
    Ex: Far, Star, Mars, Hard, Yard
  • Why was the broom late?
    Because it over swept