
My Favorite Woman

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  • Is she related to you?
    Yes/No. She's my _____.
  • What is something nice she does for you?
    She _____.
  • What's her name?
    Her name is ______.
  • How old is she?
    She's _____ years old.
  • What does she do?
    She's a _______.
  • How would you feel if you never saw her again?
    I would feel _____.
  • When will you see her next?
    I'll see her ______.
  • What does she look like?
    She is _____. She has _____.
  • What is she doing right now?
    She is ______ right now.
  • What is something nice you could do for her?
    I could _______.
  • How do you feel when you think about her?
    I feel _____.
  • Does she have any siblings?
    She has _____ ______ and _____ _____.
  • What did you do together last?
    We ______.
  • What would a perfect day be like with her?
    First, we would _____, then...
  • Have you ever had an argument with her?
    How do you feel about it now?
  • What are some of her hobbies?
    She loves _____, _____ and _____.
  • What is your favorite thing to do together?
    We both love to ________.
  • What's her dream in life?
    One day, she would love to _____.