
End of the Year Review Part 2

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  • If you blame others, what will they do?
    Agree with you
    Become Defensive
  • Two ways to beat fears is to face it right away or slowly work towards facing it
  • Repeated bullying takes little pieces of you, eventually leaving nothing left.
  • If you are mad, you are responsible for your actions
  • In bullying, why does over and over matter?
    it could lead to feelings of depression and worthlessness
    It helps prove that you are not guilty.
  • If you are assertive, you
    say what you want in a confident way
    Give in easily
  • What is a good way to build confidence?
    Write a journal of your successes
    Never think about something once you have done it
  • If you are passive, you
    Give in easily
    say what you want in a confident way
  • If you see someone being bullied, how can you help?
    Tell an adult
    Stand up for the person being bullied
    Take them away from the situation
    All of these
  • What can someone use to hold power over another person?
    Knowing something about them
    Being stronger
    All of the above
    Having more friends
  • What do you want to be in an argument?
  • When is the best time to try and fix a problem?
    As soon as you can
    When it gets too much to handle
  • What is the biggest factor you can control to have a successful life?
    Your Self Confidence
    Other's opinions of you
  • Why do you have to calm yourself as soon as possible?
    When you are very mad, you lose the ability to think
    When you are very mad the world speeds up
  • What is one way to keep positive when facing hard times?
    Argue that it is not fair
    Look at everything you have accomplished in the past
  • What is empathy?
    Understanding you own feelings
    The ability to understand how another is feeling
  • If you were confident, which of these would be true?
    You talk very loudly
    You stand up straight
  • If angry, what is a quick method of calming down?
    Belly Breaths
  • If you never make mistakes, you are never challenging yourself
  • If you are aggressive, you
    say what you want in a confident way
    try to bully the other person
  • What is a "win win" Situation
    Both get a little of what they want
    You get more then you wanted
  • The key to achieving a goal is to do the small things everyday.
  • What is a Compromise?
    Both sides agree to give a little to get to a solution
  • Which of these are "I statements"?
    I am mad because you are lazy and irresponsible
    I am worried because your part of the project isn't finished
  • IN bullying, what is an imbalance in power?
    One side has something that the other side doesn't have
    The bullied person has teachers to support them
  • When you are assertive, you do not listen to other people
  • When you are angry, your body produces this chemical, which makes it hard to think clearly?
    Sodium Chloride
  • In bullying, what does one sided mean?
    Both sides do things to each other
    Only one side is aggressive
  • Who knows the most about what is happens in school?
    The students
    The teachers
  • If are trying to get better at things you are good at, which of these are a good idea?
    Just trust you will get better
    Make a plan for how often and how you will practice