
Online shopping

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  • Give me 3 pros of online shopping
  • Give me 3 things you should put in an advertisement
    photos, relevant information, price, etc
  • What did Teacher Gareth study at university?
  • Try to sell me the pen on your desk
  • Name some websites where people can sell things online
    Ebay, facebook, depop etc
  • Tell me the last thing you bought online
  • Define 'browsing'
    Looking in a shop without intent to buy
  • Use the word browsing in a sentence
  • give me 3 pros of offline shopping
  • Do you think one day all shopping will be online? Why?
  • Name 3 thing that may be valuable if sold online
    Old toys, old consoles, coins, stamps, etc
  • What is Teacher Gareth's favourite colour?