
American Trivia

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  • What is the official language of the US?
    There isn't one!
  • Which Irish holiday is popular in the USA?
    Saint Patrick's Day
  • Name three famous Americans.
    We can google it to confirm :-)
  • One symbol of the U.S. is an eagle (bird). What is a symbol that could represent Spain?
    No wrong answers
  • What are the colors of the American flag?
    Red, white and blue.
  • In what city is Times Square located?
    New York City
  • How many stars are there on the American flag?
  • How old is the United States? 510, 194, or 246 years old.
    246 years old.
  • What country is in the north of US?
  • How many oceans surround the United States?
  • What does U.S.A. stand for?
    United States of America
  • Name a holiday that is celebrated in the U.S. but NOT Spain.
    Halloween, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, President's Day, Thanksgiving
  • Name an American president (not Donald Trump)
    You have several options (45 to be exact).