
Modal verbs

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  • They (nie muszą) work.
    don't have to
  • I (nie umiałem rozwiązać) this problem.
    couldn't solve
  • We (musieliśmy zachęcać) him.
    had to encourage
  • You (będziesz mógł spotkać) a lot of people.
    will be able to meet
  • He (musi przeprosić).
    must / has to apologise
  • You (nie musisz zdejmować) your shoes.
    don't have to take off
  • Why (ona może) leave the classroom?
    can she
  • I (nie musiałem) pay for it.
    didn't have to
  • What time (oni muszą) be home?
    do they have to
  • You (powinieneś zapiąć) your seat belt.
    should fasten
  • (Nie wolno śmiać się) at other people.
    You mustn't laugh
  • She (musi przygotować) a presentation.
    must / has to prepare
  • You (będziesz mógł) admire the landscape.
    will be able to
  • He (nie musi wstawać) early.
    doesn't have to
  • (Czy mogę się zapisać) for this course?
    Can I sign up
  • (Nie wolno karmić) animals in the zoo.
    You mustn't feed
  • (Czy możesz wyprowadzić) the dog?
    Can you walk
  • We (musieliśmy powtarzać) for the test.
    had to revise