
Ketchup on Your Fries?

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  • The grossest pizza topping is...
    Anchovies of course!
  • Name 3 things you hate about summer
    Sunburns for the win!
  • Name 3 fruits you have to peel to eat
    I don't like skins!
  • Yes or No: Ketchup on your fries?
    If NOT ketchup, what would you use?
  • Name 3 Halloween costumes you would never want to wear
    Trick or Treat!
  • My favorite YouTube channel is...
    How many subscribers do they have?
  • Yes or No: Thunder and lightning is scary.
    Bring on the storm!
  • The best thing about having a dog or cat is...
    Puppy kisses!
  • Name 3 streaming services
    Which one is your favorite?
  • Crayons or Markers: Which are better?
    What are we drawing?
  • The biggest lie I ever told was...
    Ok Pinocchio
  • I sleep with _____ in my bed.
    Do my pets count?
  • Name 2 of your favorite books
  • Pick one: The best thing about my (mom / dad / sister / brother) is...
    I wonder what they would say about you!
  • I am scared of...
  • Pizza Crust: Yes or No?
    I like to dip it in ranch!
  • If I could pet any animal (real or make believe), it would be...
    If only!
  • Who taught you to tie your shoes?
    Can you remember?
  • If I could make a rule for my parents, it would be...
    McDonald's for dinner every night!
  • When I get older, I DO NOT want to...
    Work. That's what I would say.
  • You choose: Creamy or chunky peanut butter?
    Jif, Skippy or Peter Pan?
  • Name 3 candies that are blue
    Yum, blue taste!
  • Yes or No: Peanut butter and jelly is my favorite sandwich.
    Who doesn't love a PB & J?!
  • My favorite cookie is...
    Ones right from the oven, yummm!
  • My favorite t-shirt is...
    I heart NY!
  • Do you like your ice cream in a cone or in a bowl?
    I like my ice cream in my stomach!
  • I met my best friend when I was ___ years old.
  • The worst kids show ever is...
    Do Teletubbies count?
  • My favorite number is...
    Why is it that number?
  • What is the best color apple?
    I just like them in pies!
  • Yes or No: I like to eat the school's lunch.
    Sloppy Joes!
  • I hate when my parents make me...
    Cleaning your room is the worst!
  • Sandwiches: With or without crusts?
    Hamburger buns for the win!
  • When I play with LEGO, my favorite piece is...
    It's not the one stuck to the bottom of your foot, that's for sure!
  • If I went to Target and I had $100, I would buy...
    Straight to the clothes section for me!
  • I learned to ride a bike when I was ___ years old.
    Do you like to ride bikes today?