
False Friends!

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  • Issy had a new friend request today. She didn't a) actually b) currently know who the person was.
    a) actually
  • Beth did a) consequently b) consistently well in class, so everyone was shocked when she failed her exam.
    b) consistently
  • My sister forgot to post the party invitation on Facebook. a) Consequently b) Consistently, no one turned up.
    c) Consequently
  • I get the a) last b) latest stories in my newsfeed on Facebook.
    b) latest
  • Last week, we learned about computer programming and we are a) actually b) currently studying the problems of privacy on social media.
    b) currently
  • Troy was a) sympathetic b) friendly and pleasant, but the wasn't a good friend when it really mattered.
    b) friendly
  • We waited a long time for Max. He was the a) last b) latest person to arrive.
    a) last
  • Are you playing football this weekend? a) Eventually b) Possibly, unless it rains.
    b) Possibly
  • It took a long time, but I a) eventually b) possibly uploaded a new video to Instagram.
    a) eventually
  • I know how the victims of cyberbullies feel. I was bullied too at school, so I am totally a) sympathetic b) friendly.
    a) sympathetic