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  • To get to the staircase from the main entrance, go ………………………………..……. the reception room and take the door …………………. your right.
    into/through/across - on
  • A: I'm at the hospital. How do I get to the bank? B: You go along Second Street and turn _____ on Main Street. The bank is ______ Main Street and First Street.
    B: You go along Second Street and turn left on Main Street. The bank is on the corner of Main Street and First Street.
  • what is this?
    bee hive
  • The restaurant is between the toy store and the music store. True or false?
  • a room where guests are entertained (originally called the 'withdrawing room' where guests used to withdraw to from the dining room after a meal)
    The drawing room
  • a room or area at the top of the house, under the roof, often used for storing things
    The attic
  • The restaurant is between the bank and the hotel. The restaurant is ...
  • He is going..........
  • a room with direct sunlight, like an indoor greenhouse, often full of plants
    The conservatory
  • The library is ………………………………. the sitting room and the study and you can enter it ………………………………. either room or ………………………………. the reception room.
    between - from/via - from/via
  • The police station is ______ the store and the bank.
    The police station is between the store and the bank.
  • an entrance room similar to reception
    The lobby
  • an underground area, usually used for storage
    The cellar
  • The bank is on the corner of Santos Dumont Street and Rosa e Silva Avenue. True or false?
  • What is this?
    bamboo fence
  • The movie theater is ______ Main Street and Second Street.
    The movie theater is on the corner of Main Street and Second Street.
  • a room where coats, hats and other belongings can be left; it sometimes has a toilet
    The cloakroom
  • ………………………………. the back of the house and just ………………………………. the reception room, you can find the drawing room.
    at - behind
  • a storeroom for food, crockery and other kitchen items
    The pantry
  • The supermarket is next to the bookstore. True or false?
  • What is this?
    vegetable bed
  • a room where balls (dances) and special events would be held
    The ballroom
  • G: Can you tell me the way to the stadium? B: Go ________ on to the end of Central Avenue and ________ right, it's on your left.
    B: Go straight on to the end of Central Avenue and turn right, it's on your left.
  • He is going................
  • The cloakroom is adjacent ………………………………. the ballroom.